The homeowner program related to the Great Floods of 2016 has now closed.

Program Stats


  • The Louisiana Office of Community Development – Disaster Recovery (LOCD-DR) launched the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program in mid-2017 in response to the Great Floods of 2016.  

  • The state launched our program, began processing applications, and got funding to homeowners faster than any other federally funded homeowner repair program in history.

  • The program offered over $669 million in grant funds to assist more than 17,260 homeowners with repairs, reimbursement of repairs, or reconstruction of their homes.

  • The program survey period closed on October 1, 2018 and the application period ended on November 16, 2018. All homeowners closed on their grant agreements by July 31, 2019. 

  • In total, 45,440 applications were processed, all SBA hardships were processed, and 100% percent of program award determinations were made.

  • Following the end of the 2016 Restore Louisiana program, the focus of LOCD-DR shifted to addressing the needs of homeowners across the state impacted by Hurricanes Laura, Delta and Ida and the May 17, 2021 Severe Storms. 

  • LOCD-DR is also funding a variety of infrastructure and watershed improvement projects that will reduce flood risk across Louisiana and create more resilient communities including drainage and infrastructure improvements, flood control and storage projects, as well as several buyout programs that incentivize homeowners to relocate to areas of lower flood risk.

2016 Floods Restore Louisiana CDBG Programs

Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program
Small Business Assistance Program
First Responders Public Service Program

Situation and Pipeline Reports

Pipeline Reports provide a snapshot of program progress. Click the button below to view all reports.

Program Manual

The program manual is Restore Louisiana's way of communicating policies and procedures of the Homeowner Assistance Program to the public. If you're curious about any facet of the program, the program manual will answer your questions. Click the button below to access the document!

Homeowner Assistance: Solution 1 Warranty Claims

The Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program offered a one-year warranty on Solution 1 completed construction home repairs made by the program contractors.

The 2016 Great Floods programs warranty period has now expired.

Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

If you know or suspect fraud occurred related to the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program, please tell us about it.